In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, it is my duty to inform all customers and potential customers of the following:
- My company, Vision in Aviation Ltd, is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Its registration number is Z7926009.
- In instructing me as their AME, all customers should understand that their personal details will be kept on a database and that I shall retain copies of medical application forms. The original will be returned to you.
- I may be required to pass copies of medical application forms to the CAA or other National Aviation Authorities. This is stated on the medical application form; when you sign the form, you are consenting to such disclosure.
- Personal information pertaining to my customers (namely first name, surname, CAA reference number, date of birth, email address, mobile phone number and date of expiry of medical) will be retained on the database.
- The purposes of this database are:
- to maintain records of my activity for medical audit purposes and
- to allow me to remind customers of when their next medical becomes due.
- Should customers decide that they do not wish to continue with me as their AME, then all of their details will be deleted from the database.
- This database will be maintained until such time as I retire and then be destroyed.
- When I retire, all copies of medical application forms will be passed to the CAA medical department as required by CAA regulations.
- Other than in these extremely unusual, legitimate circumstances, I will NEVER pass on personal details of customers to third parties.
- Please also refer to my GDPR, privacy and cookie policies.