UK CAA & FAA Aviation Medicals, Casework, and Ophthalmology

for pilots, air traffic controllers, and cabin crew

Welcome to

My name is John Pitts. My qualifications are BSc (Hons) MB ChB LLM FRCP FRCS FRCOphth DAvMed.

The MB ChB is my medical degree from Glasgow Uni. The LLM is a masters in medical law from Cardiff Uni, where my dissertation was in aviation regulation. The FRCP dates from my time working in general medicine and neurology.
The FRCS and FRCOphth are my qualification as an eye surgeon, and the DAvMed is my postgraduate qualification in aviation medicine.
The BSc I did for fun at the Open University. I am part-time NHS. My aviation work is based in London, mainly at London Bridge but also at Heathrow Medical Services, where I work in the AeMC and also as an independent practitioner.

My friend and colleague Dr Malcolm Sim BSc (Hons), MB ChB, MD, FRCP, FRCA, FFICM, EDIC is a consultant in intensive care. He is a keen pilot with a Night Rating and over 300 hours. He perfoms UK CAA Class 2 medicals at the Hillington office.

Dr Pitts – Heathrow/London BridgeDr Pitts – Glasgow HillingtonDr Sim – Glasgow Hillington

Practice Locations

Normal Practice Location

Keats House 24-26 St Thomas Street,
London, SE1 9RS

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After hours & weekends

Heathrow Medical Services, 583 Bath Road, Longford, Middlesex, UB7 0EH

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I strongly respect your right to dignity during medical examination.

Intimate examination (i.e. breast, testicular and rectal examination) is not part of aircrew medicals. A chaperone is always present for female medicals and can be arranged for male medicals – just ask! If you wish, you can download self-examination leaflets below.

Female DownloadMale DownloadDownload Consent Form